Sunday, December 17, 2006

Non-Crafty Perks

Steve travels most of the time for work, which is not always fun for me. But there are perks. For one, I have more little shampoos and lotions than any sane person should have. It's kind of our routine. Which hotel did he stay at? Oh, the Hilton? That's Crabtree & Evelyn! The Omni carries Molten Brown. Usually he just comes back with 3 or 4 for me, but this last week he hit the jackpot. Check out this booty:


Anonymous said...

Holy Moly! I'm totally staying at Chateau de Jacobsen/Weipet for the goodies!

Mega said...

Now that is what I call a haul.

Nice work SAW.

Anonymous said...

You said booty.